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Vonage Reviews Can Tell You If You Want This Phone Service

When Internet phone capabilities started becoming mainstream, Vonage stepped in to be one of the leading phone providers. Traditional telephone service, while still around, was fading, and cellphone service was taking over.


People were and still are ditching their landlines so that they didn't have to pay for both telephone services. Of course, landline phone service was rather expensive, and Vonage reviews pointed to something quite different.

I remember when Vonage first hit the market. If I remember correctly, it was 29.99 a month, but the last I heard of it, the phone service was offered at 9.99 a month. It's a phone service that uses an Internet connection and is supposed to provide you with the best quality for your phone calls. Check out for further information related to vonage reviews.

Of course, how reliable is a phone service that is dependent upon a Wi-Fi signal. If you've ever had this type of telephone service, you know there are more outages than you would have to deal with when it comes to plain old telephone service.


It still beats paying almost 50 dollars a month for a landline, but there are also other options like Magic Jack that allow you to pay a one time fee to have phone service for a whole year. Why pay a monthly fee? For all I know, Vonage might not even charge a monthly fee now. I'm not sure, but there are other options, too.

For example, you can go to certain websites and make phone calls for free. You can use Skype to video chat with people for free. In the days where you can use an app for just about everything, are Vonage reviews really going to tell you anything that is going to convince you to sign up for their landline service?

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