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Vonage Connection Was Bad At First, But Now It's Clear

My husband saw a commercial for Vonage and wanted to try it out. We only had cell phones and didn't have a regular home phone. He was thinking about getting a landline phone anyways and had called a few different places. He saw how much Vonage voip was and wanted to give it a try. 

He ordered it shortly after seeing the commercial for it and within just a few days it arrived in the mail. He wanted to get it hooked up to see how it worked so I looked over the directions with him and helped him get everything set up. It was a pretty cool device and idea. 

We made our first phone call to my parents home and the Vonage connection wasn't very good. I looked over some of the troubleshooting tips to try to fix the connection issues. I was able to figure out what was going on and I was able to make the Vonage connection better by voip provider

It wasn't hard to get set up or to troubleshoot. My husband loves having a home phone that we can use and is glad he purchased it. Our calls are clear and we have no connection issues with them. It was a great purchase choice and I'm glad he got it. It would have been more expensive to get a landline phone and getting this saved us some money. 

Since purchasing the Vonage phone system, we have told some of our friends about it because they were talking about getting a home phone. We told them that we love ours and recommend it and even showed them how it works and how easy it was to set up. A few of them have purchased Vonage and really love it too.

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